miércoles, 7 de febrero de 2007

Bibliografía general


Bateson, Gregory. 1993. Espíritu y naturaleza Buenos Aires: Amorrortu,

Botkin, Daniel B. 1993. Armonías discordantes: una ecología para el siglo XXI . Madrid : Acento.

Bunge, Mario. 2004.Emergencia y convergencia: novedad cualitativa y unidad del conocimiento; Barcelona, España : Gedisa Editorial.

Gunderson, Lance H. & CS Holling, Ed. 2002 Panarchy: understanding transformations in human and natural systems. Island Press, Washington. http://www.amazon.com

Jaeger, J. 2003 A hermeneutic Interpretation of Emergence and Novelty. En: Student Papers. Comlex Systems Summer School, Santa Fé, New Mexico, June 8-July 5 2003.

Kull, K. Semiotics ecology.differents nature in the semiosphere. Sign Systems Studies.1998a. 344-371

Lewin, Roger. 1993. Complexity: Life at the Edge of Chaos. Chicago University Press.

Seamon, David (editor).1993. Dwelling, Seeing, and Designing: Toward a Phenomenological Ecology. Suny Press. http://www.google.com.co/books

Shelley, M 1818 Frankenstein. Cualquier edición seria.

Vitousek, P. M. 1994. Beyond global warming: ecology and global change. Ecology 76: 1861-1876. – review http://esa.org/publications/

Vitousek, PM., HA Mooney, J Lubchenko & JM Melillo. 1997. Human domination of Earth's ecosystems. Science 277:494-497 http://www.sciencemag.org/

Winterhalder, B and Eric Alden Smith. 2000. Analyzing adaptive strategies: human behavioral ecology at twenty-five. Evolutionary Anthropology 9(2):51-72

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